The three laws of performance, I am not afraid (Eminem), a swimming pool and a lot of thoughts. How a tour guide tries to earn money to support his family. How a tourist has the luxury of thinking about his life and seeing if there is any control over it. And what do I see during this holiday? How does it relate to the goal I have set and want to achieve in Fiji?
I borrowed the book 3 laws of performance from a colleague, and it is about “rewriting the future of your organization and your life”. I postponed the reading of it, too much MBA content, but now started and it turns out to be a good book! At the same time a song from Eminem, I’m not afraid. Good inspiration sources for changes and quests.
We left Lovina, together with Kadek, in the direction of southern Kuta with several stops along the way. First up the mountains towards the Danua Banur. A lake surrounded by a mountain and a volcano. Black earth, lava, is clearly visible here. Once you realize a volcano is devastating, you notice that after years fertility is given back to the earth.

Near this lake is also Trunya, a place closed off from the world and known for the fact that they do not bury or cremate the dead there. They are simply laid out against a tree. It turns out that no stench or toxic substances develop during the rotting of the bodies.

Later we went to an authentic Balinese village, Penglipuran. While entering the village a certain kind of tranquility came over me. We ate at a family in their house and meanwhile Kadek has spoken with someone from the local government department. Maybe another opening in his business.
When we left, we got some food, leftovers from the morning ceremony. It looks a bit like Wadjik (a kind of sticky rice dessert). So very tasty and it feels a bit like home at my family.
Finally, on to Balangan beach. A well-hidden surf beach. Here we will stay for the last 3 days and lubricate a lot of Sunscreen.

I kept myself busy calculating what Kadek makes this day. He does not own a car and has to rent this car; he pays the fuel and is traveling with us for 8 to 10 hours.
During this writing I get to hear from David that my mother is deceased. I wonder for a moment how she experienced her life and looked back on it.