Smoking trees

The expression of the day is “smoking trees” meaning smoking a joint. Finally, I understand the story of Jules Verne, around the world in 80 days! How often do you …


The three laws of performance, I am not afraid (Eminem), a swimming pool and a lot of thoughts. How a tour guide tries to earn money to support his family. …

Finding Nemo

We all know the clown fish Nemo and I went to meet him. Although the biggest chance to meet him would be somewhere under water I did not came across …

the Tourist

Another day full of beautiful moments ahead. Departing from Tuban – Denpasar and away from the crowds. Get out of the visible battle of survival. Kadek went with us. I …

Breakfast in Bali

Breakfast is served, rice with egg banana krupuk and sambal. I think it’s okay, it’s not what I normally have for breakfast, but then again, when you know me well …